Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Little about me

Here's what I'm about:
First: Jesus is my best Friend. I depend on Him for everything and He never lets me down. The world may be harsh and unfriendly at times but God is Good all the time.

Second: Family and friends - warts and all - is a blessing in too many ways to count. The love and companionship is a great comfort to me and the hard times help me grow.

Interests: Reading, drawing and painting, knitting on knitting looms and crocheting, computers - from building and programming to using many different types of software to keeping in touch with friends and family. Pets: I have a 6 month old pit bull female that I just brought home from the vet. Turns out she got parvo, probably on our walk last week. Silly me crying over a sick puppy but I've had her since she was born and she is such a sweet cheerful little girls that you can't help but love her.

I enjoy light hearted conversations on a variety of subjects but won't argue or force my views on any one and won't stick around for others to do it to me.

I plan to post some photos of my art and maybe some stuff I've knitted with my Knitting looms.
I plan to make hats for Preemies and donate them to the local hospital NICU.

Come often and let me know you were here.


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